When and How Is Tooth Extraction Performed?
The best treatment of teeth that cannot be saved with treatment options such as filling, root canal treatment or crown is the tooth extraction.
Although toothache is the biggest sign that dental and oral health is not going well, it can cause tooth loss because it is “ignored”. When the toothache only reaches unbearable dimensions, the dentist can be removed with a high rate of tooth loss. Tooth decays or toothaches that can be treated with root canal treatment prevent tooth loss, and if the decay does not have any condition to restore and it touches the nerve, unfortunately, tooth extraction is the only remedy.
Some teeth may need to be extracted with surgical extractions and techniques. Therefore; As soon as you feel pain in your teeth, we should see the dentist immediately and get the necessary treatments. Make sure that you get tooth extraction service from professional dental care clinics such as Side Dental Centre.
In Which Cases Is Tooth Extraction Required?
- Traumatized teeth, broken teeth and many decayed teeth may also require extraction.
- As a result of the milk teeth not falling even though they should fall, problems begin in oral and dental health. In such cases, tooth extraction may be required.
- Today, many gum diseases can cause disturbances in the bone tissue where the teeth are attached. If the tooth starts to shake as a result of the loss of bone tissue, gum treatment is applied. However, if there is nothing that can be done to save the tooth, unfortunately, tooth extraction is required.
- Impacted teeth are considered in the category of dental problems that cause discomfort to people. Because teeth that can cause space congestion in the jaw like molars can cause decay and pain over time. In such cases, having a tooth extraction may be the best treatment option.
- Tooth losses can also be experienced as a result of wrong treatments on teeth. For example, if only “filling” is applied to a tooth that requires root canal treatment, abscess formation can be observed in the tooth, in which case the tooth will need to be extracted.
- At the end of painful processes such as wisdom teeth causing pain and not bursting from the palate, the dentist may decide to extract 20 teeth.
- Aesthetic concerns.
When a serious problem such as tumor or cyst is encountered, tooth extraction can be requested.Orthodontic treatment.
How Is Tooth Extraction Done?
Tooth extraction is a process that scares and strains almost everyone. However, sometimes teeth need to be extracted for oral and dental health. In such cases, treatment should not be delayed. Local anesthesia, which we know as numbing injections, is applied to the gums, within a few minutes the teeth, mouth and jaw will be numb. After reaching the desired level of numbness, tooth extraction can be performed.
There is no specific time for extraction. Because; the location of the tooth, which tooth is, caries, etc. The presence of such conditions and the degree of numbness can directly affect the duration of tooth extraction.
What Should Be Done After Tooth Extraction?
- It is a very wrong thought that the aching tooth should be removed immediately, and dentists should also raise awareness of their patients on this issue. Patients who are made aware of before and after tooth extraction; When his teeth hurt, he should consult a dentist to treat his aching tooth, not to pull it out.
- It is never right to pull out a tooth that has abscessed or inflamed and invites many problems. Therefore; After the tooth starts to ache, you should see the dentist and evaluate the treatment options with the advice given by the dentist.
- The tooth extracted for various reasons will cause bleeding. For this reason, it is very important to put a cotton or gauze pad on the extraction site of the tooth extracted by the dentist. In a healthy recovery, the blood clot should form in that area. Because the blood clot expected to form after tooth extraction acts as a natural buffer. Also, clot; It will also be able to prepare the ground for filling the cavity where the tooth is extracted with bone structure in the future.
- Pain after tooth extraction is normal and can be relieved with a simple pain relief pill. Medicines such as blood thinners, aspirin; It should not be used as it will prevent the expected blood clot to occur in the area.
- Of course, bleeding after tooth extraction is normal. If there is heavy bleeding, you can stop the bleeding by making a tampon from cotton. However, continuous bleeding is an indication that something is wrong, in which case you should contact your dentist.
- It will take a while to close the gap created by the extracted tooth. However, it is extremely wrong to use harmful substances such as alcohol and cigarettes that delay recovery after shooting.
- Pain can be observed for 8 hours after complicated tooth extraction. If you encounter such situations, cold pressing outside for 5 to 10 minutes will prevent swelling and bruising on your face.
- A number of problems can be experienced in the extraction of rooted teeth. It can be decided whether the root is pulled or not, considering the length of the root, the place of extraction and other possibilities.
- In order to avoid infection after tooth extraction, you should not touch the wound area and do not insert any tools.
- It is quite common to feel pain after tooth extraction, but it has a certain period of time. It can be accepted as normal to feel the pain in a certain period of time after the tooth extraction, depending on the tooth, the place where the tooth was extracted and the state of inflammation.
- However, feeling pain and not being able to relieve it with painkillers during the day and night following the tooth extraction indicate a problem. For tooth extraction pain caused by conditions such as the wound being infected, the clot rupture, you should definitely go to the dentist and have the necessary dressing-treatment.
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